Cardiff High School offers 8 Mandatory Courses and 21 Elective Courses for Stage 4. It is important to know; not all elective courses will run due to course viability as elective courses or staffing may impact on courses being timetabled for 2025. Students will study 1 elective course per semester, which is 5 periods per cycle (Cardiff High School has a fortnightly cycle).
Students should pick their electives based on their interests and what they feel they will enjoy – not what their friends may be selecting. It is important that students are happy to study their reserve selections, as these may often be included in the student's pattern of study.
Students will be emailed a link and unique code to the Edval Choice Portal on Monday, 2nd September. The portal will open on Tuesday, 3rd September by 8am and remain open until 4pm on Friday 6th September. They will be prompted to select Electives 1 and 2 as well as 2 reserve electives. It is important that they list these in preference order.